Sunday, March 7, 2010


To lighten up my mood after an emotional day, I would sit beside the pond and just stare at our Japanese kois. They never ceased to amaze me each time. How did they acquire this magnificent pattern? The wonders of creation.

Kois are low maintenance pets. They are friendly, can be tamed, and does not require a regular regimen except of course cleaning the pond once in awhile.

These Japanese kois captured the heart of my husband many years ago. They are my tough competitor when it comes to his attention.

Now I understand why.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I am finally seeing my flowers bloom.

Every morning, the sight of my flowering plants nourishes my soul. It is a form of a prayer for me. It reminds me all the time to thank God for these harmless living things that coexist with us.
These ordinary plants makes life extraordinary. Truly.